Printable Google Doc for these $5/25 Deals - GOOGLE DOC HERE Dollar General $5/25 Scenarios - ALL Digital Breakdowns… I had a great shopping trip at Walmart today! Here's my PRINTABLE SHOPPING LIST Ibotta Offers List - as…
CVS was great this week. Here's a link to the PRINTABLE GOOGLE DOC. CVS Coupon Deals for 2/21 - 2/27 … Another awesome week at CVS. Here's a link to the PRINTABLE GOOGLE DOC. CVS Coupon Deals - 2/14 -… This trip today was a $5 Money Maker - I was able to hit 4 Bonuses! Here's the PRINTABLE… My 2nd CVS haul for this week was AMAZING! Here's the PRINTABLE GOOGLE DOC. CVS Round 2 - 2/7… This week at CVS was amazing. Made $23 in Profit with this haul. See Youtube video for full details.… Walgreens is awesome this week, especially if you have a $10/30 store pickup coupon. Here's a PRINTABLE GOOGLE DOC… CVS was great this week! Here's a link to the PRINTABLE GOOGLE DOC! CVS Coupon Deals for 1/31 -… CVS was awesome this week - I made $15 with this full cart of $180+ in merchandise! Here's a…