Here are some all digital $5/25 scenarios for Saturday, 11/7/20. Check out the PRINTABLE GOOGLE DOC here. Deal 1: All Laundry Deal 2 Purex Liquid Laundry Detergents - Mountain Breeze 150oz - $7.85 each ($15.70) 1 Tide Simply Pods - $2.95 each 2 Snuggle 40ct Dryer Sheets - $2 each ($4) 1 Gain Liquid - $3.95 each Total is $26.60 Use the following digital coupons: $19.50 in coupons $5/25 Store Coupon B1G1 Free Purex - $8 $2/1 Tide $1.50/1 Snuggle $1/1 Snuggle $2/1 Gain Pay $7.10 + Tax Redeem for $2 Cash Back on Ibotta for Purex - Final Price = $5.10 *$1/1 Paper Coupon also available for Snuggle in the 10/18 RMN Deal 2: Paper Deal 2 Scott 6 pack Paper Towels - $5.50 each - $11 1 Cottonelle - 12pack Family Rolls - $5 each 1 DG Body Razor - $4.95 each 1 Oral B Indicator 2ct Pack - $3 each 1 Tide Simply Pods - $2.95 each 1 Snuggle 40ct Dryer Sheets - $2 each Total is $28.90 You will receive $3 in instant savings for the Scott/Cottonelle Use the following digital coupons: $17.45 in coupons & $3 in instant savings $5/25 Store Coupon $2/2 Scott $1/1 Cottonelle $3.95/1 DG Razor $2/1 Oral B $2/1 Tide $1.50/1 Snuggle Pay $8.45 + Tax Deal 3: Low OOP Deal 1 Tresemme - $4 2 Suave Kids Detanglers - $3 each ($6) 1 DG Studio Razor - $4.95 each 1 Tide Simply Pods - $2.95 each 2 Snuggle 40ct Dryer Sheets - $2 each ($4) 1 Gain Liquid - $3.95 each Total is $25.85 Use the following digital coupons: $21.95 in coupons $5/25 Store Coupon $2/1 Tresemme $1/1 Tresemme (store coupon) $2/6 Suave $1.50/1 Suave Kids $3.95/1 DG Razor $2/1 Tide $1.50/1 Snuggle $1/1 Snuggle $2/1 Gain Pay $3.90 + Tax Optional: Add in a 2nd $1.50/1 Suave Kids Coupon from the November Unilever Insert Pay only $2.40 + Tax Deal 4: Scott 1000 2 Scott 1000 8ct - $7 each ($14) 1 Kleenex - $1.50 each 1 Tresemme - $4 1 DG Studio Razor - $4.95 each 1 Snuggle 40ct Dryer Sheets - $2 each 1 Tide Simply Pods - $2.95 each Total is $29.40 You will receive $3 in instant savings for the Scott/Cottonelle Use the following digital coupons: $17.45 in coupons & $3 in instant savings $5/25 Store Coupon $2/2 Scott $2/1 Tide $1.50/1 Snuggle $2/1 Tresemme $1/1 Tresemme (store coupon) $3.95/1 DG Razor Pay $8.95 + Tax
Thank you love these deals